Our Story
Since 1997
Providing people with quality food runs in our family. It all started with our parents' small-town grocery store, Marv & Dee’s Grocery. Our parents took pride in their business and truly loved their customers, and this love carried over to their three children. We work hard every day to build on their legacy with our beef jerky, which we named after our neck of the woods…No Man’s Land.
No Man’s Land Beef Jerky was born after a road trip. During the trip, I threw away three different kinds of beef jerky, due to quality or taste. I knew that slow drying jerky in the old style with quality ingredients would yield an infinitely better product. So, with my small personal dehydrator and a roast I took from the fridge of Marv & Dee’s, I made my first batch of jerky. That was in 1994.
Over twenty years later, we have perfected our processes and are proud of the jerky and sticks that we provide hundreds of consumers on a daily basis. We promise to serve you the same quality food with the same love as we do our own family.
Many Blessings,
Britt Smith

Supporting our Troops
We believe that we are truly blessed to live in a place where we have the freedom and safety to pursue our dreams. We know that we are able to live as we do because of the service and sacrifice of the brave men and women that serve in our armed forces. So, we are honored to send our beef jerky to our troops serving overseas. We hope that the jerky brings our service members a big smile and a little piece of home. We pray each day that they safely return to those that love them.